It's a High Cost for Low Living: There's a "SHACK ATTACK" Going On!

Key Text:
Mark 8:36-37
Romans 6:23
Do you know:
- What the wages of sin are?
- What it "truly" means to Shack?
- Why do people shack?
- What Shacking does to your dignity? Your image to your significant other?
- What spiritual shacking is?
Bishop got to the meat quickly in this sermon. The message was conviction laden which is on time for the current age in which we live. Bishop digs into the reasoning behind a lot of the issues that are connected to sexual sin, alcoholism, and drug abuse. Stating that often it is lowered expectations of God and life that are attacked to half-hearted/luke warm proclaimed Christians: Folks that have one foot in the church and another still in the world. He then exposes how these worldly habits and addictions only compound problems instead of resolving them. If God is nothing more than a glorified pimp to you or someone else you know then you need to get this message and get it right before it is everlasting too late.
Jermaine C. Donaldson
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