Church Building

Key Text: I Kings 10:1-10
This was a stirring sermon by Evangelist Wright that gave some clarity on the Queen of Sheba's connection to Solomon. Due to all the positive things that she heard about him, his home, and the way he managed the kingdom, she traveled to a whole different country bearing gifts in hopes of attaining some of his wisdom. It is amazing just how powerful the kingdom of God can be if we can get everyone into their proper place. She expounds by adding that support of the church starts with your lips. What you say (and don't say) about your home church goes a lot farther than you think. For the Queen of Sheba (who was in Africa) to hear of the great works of Solomon before computers, cell phones, and television he had to be doing something right. Yes, good things do travel slower than negatives... BUT eventually the good news does indeed spread. For more on how this connects with Church Building and Growth request this sermon. It's a keepsake for any up and coming ministry no matter where you are in the globe.
Jermaine C. Donaldson
A Message by Evg. Josephine Wright
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