Sunday-Morning: April 9, 2006
Key Text: James 2:14-26
Do you know:
- How your Faith can be Powerless? (and how to correct that error).
- What the Royal Law is?
- How to use/apply the Royal Law?
- How did Peter, a great apostle of the early church, get deeper revelation on the Royal Law?
Well, if you don't you need to hear this sermon. Bishop Jerry D. Wright worked through several familiar bible stories from Abraham, featured in this text, to Rahab, to the two blind men who cried out to Jesus for healing. The bottom line is that Faith -without works- is dead. As stated by the Bishop, "Faith without works" is the equivalence of " a body without a spirit." It tons more depth and revelation... I just can't tell it all in a note. You got to hear this one for yourself! It blessed me and it will bless you to!
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