Friday, March 24, 2006

Alright Now!

Welcome to Grace Temple! My name is Kevin J. Walker. I am your praise leader for this post. Hopefully, you came with the mind set of expectancy. I know I did. I am always looking for God to do the miraculous. I'm looking for God to do a new thing in the hearts and lives of all who frequent Grace Temple Apostolic Church.

Worship at Grace Temple is an experience. Often lead by Minister Rachel Donaldson or Minister Carolyn Davis (pictured behind me), you find that each time you sing a song or hear a testimony, you are closer to the hand of God. Our goal as worship leaders is to lead you into the throne room of heaven. We help you send up the praise so God can pour down his love, his power and his blessings on you. We come each Sunday to set the atmosphere for worship. We try to wipe out all signs of the dismal week you might have had, or the rough time you might have encountered on your way to church. We try to help you concentrate on the goodness of our God. Think about what he's done for you. Think about all the ways he's made for you. Think about all the doors he's opened for you. How dare we not give God the praise he is due?!?

If you have air in lungs, then you should have a song on your lips. If you have breath in your body, then you should have a praise in your heart. It's our job to help you remember why we came to church - to lift up the name of Jesus!


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