Church Building

Key Text: I Kings 10:1-10
This was a stirring sermon by Evangelist Wright that gave some clarity on the Queen of Sheba's connection to Solomon. Due to all the positive things that she heard about him, his home, and the way he managed the kingdom, she traveled to a whole different country bearing gifts in hopes of attaining some of his wisdom. It is amazing just how powerful the kingdom of God can be if we can get everyone into their proper place. She expounds by adding that support of the church starts with your lips. What you say (and don't say) about your home church goes a lot farther than you think. For the Queen of Sheba (who was in Africa) to hear of the great works of Solomon before computers, cell phones, and television he had to be doing something right. Yes, good things do travel slower than negatives... BUT eventually the good news does indeed spread. For more on how this connects with Church Building and Growth request this sermon. It's a keepsake for any up and coming ministry no matter where you are in the globe.
Jermaine C. Donaldson
A Message by Evg. Josephine Wright
Kill that Giant!

Key text: I Samuel 17:1-11
Do you know:
- The things that God hates?
- What is the effect of your influence over your children?
- Why God took the time in the Old Testament to remind the children of Israel that He brought them out of Egypt?
- What did Saul do (in this biblical story in Samuel 17) that hurt all of Israel?
- What does God judge?
For answers to all of these questions and many more, you need to grab a hold of this morning's sermon. With strong references to familiar bible stories and truth that unlocks understanding to real life situations, this sermon will bring you closer to God and to your destiny.
Jermaine C. Donaldson

Key Text: John 4
This Sunday, we were blessed by a visit from Elder Aaron Woodson of Indianapolis, Indiana. Elder Woodson was traveling with his son-in-law and happened to be "in the area." And of course, when you're in the area, why not just stop by?
So with the blessing of Bishop Wright, Elder Woodson volunteered to minister to our hearts. What a blessing!?! So do you know:
- Why we have positions in the church?
- What is perfection (in Greek)?
- How is perfection achieved?
- Is spiritual age TRULY measured in calendar years since conversion?
Contact Grace for this tape... it will bless your heart and all your parts. Most importantly it will give you some much needed insight on the structure God intended for the Christian Church.
Called to be a SERVANT! Come out from Amongst Them

KEY TEXT: Romans 1:1, 12:1
Evangelist Josephine Wright ministers at Zion Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Do you know:
- What is a servant liken to?
- What is a true servant?
- Who exactly is called to ministry?
- How to fulfill the quota that God has for you.
I'm telling you this is one of the sincerest and funniest sermons I've ever experience. You can laugh while learning as Evan. Wright makes it really REALLY plain for anyone who wants to know more about their calling. I'd love to hear this one again and again.
Hit the Road!

Praise the Lord Everyone!
It's another Sunday and I am really excited about what God is doing in the life of Grace Temple Apostolic Church. We have a busy schedule before us today. We'll be churchin' in the morning and afternoon in Anderson. And this evening, we'll be traveling to Indiana's second largest city, Fort Wayne. The Bishop and First Lady Wright, along with the Anointed Mass Choir will be ministering at Zion Tabernacle, where Elder Faulkner is the pastor.
I'm looking for God to do a mighty work today in my life, the life of Grace Temple and your life.
Stay blessed,
Minister Kevin J. Walker
Grace N Praise 2K6

Get ready everyone, it's coming... Grace N Praise 2K6 is right around the corner. Make plans NOW to attend. Join Grace Temple and Consuming Fire Records for the CD release concert of the year. Grace Temple Apostolic Church on Saturday, May 6, 2006 at 6:00 PM will be the venue for God's glory to be manifested in song.
The Anointed Mass Choir, backed with the powerful vocals of Psalmists Cierra Jackson, Mark Humphrey and Virsila Brisker, the singing and writing talents of Minister Lewis Gray and under the direction of yours truly, Minister Kevin J. Walker, will present selections from their debut CD, Heartburn. This church choir is going to shake the gospel music industry. Referred to as G-TAC, these young people have been preparing all year to unleash God's power in this one hour concert of music, dance and drama. Joining this phenomenal choir will be master musician, composer, writer and producer Minister Milton J. Keys. Minister Keys will bring with him his band of gifted musicians comprised especially for this project.
Special guests for the evening include Renita Donaldson, music minister, directress and evangelist, all rolled in one. Also on program is a new group of four dynamic young men, 4ever Grateful. Their production coordinator, Mitchell Jones of the world reknowned male gospel group Commissioned, delivers a unique blend of harmony through this developing ensemble of gentlemen.
As I've stated, the city of Anderson, Indiana is going to be on LOCK Saturday, May 6, 2006 for this huge event. Don't miss it. For more information, please contact (317) 284-1585 or You can also check out the Heartburn web site at
God bless,
Minister Kevin J. Walker

Sunday-Morning: April 9, 2006
Key Text: James 2:14-26
Do you know:
- How your Faith can be Powerless? (and how to correct that error).
- What the Royal Law is?
- How to use/apply the Royal Law?
- How did Peter, a great apostle of the early church, get deeper revelation on the Royal Law?
Well, if you don't you need to hear this sermon. Bishop Jerry D. Wright worked through several familiar bible stories from Abraham, featured in this text, to Rahab, to the two blind men who cried out to Jesus for healing. The bottom line is that Faith -without works- is dead. As stated by the Bishop, "Faith without works" is the equivalence of " a body without a spirit." It tons more depth and revelation... I just can't tell it all in a note. You got to hear this one for yourself! It blessed me and it will bless you to!
The Month of April

Praise the Lord Everybody!
We're now in the month of April. We thank God for all the wonderful things that have transpired thus far during this year. God has only set us up for bigger and greater.
We began the month of April off with a twist. On Saturday, April 1, 2006, one of the eight sons of our Bishop and first lady, Jerrell Wright, was married to his beautiful bride Kendra in Little Rock, Arkansas. Many members of the family and the church ventured to Little Rock to share in the couples' beautiful ceremony and bliss. Bishop Wright officiated. Back home in Anderson, tag team preachers Ministers Jermaine and Rachel Donaldson manned the fort. The dynamic duo preached a rousing message to the remaining congregation of Grace Temple.
Points of interest this month include Evangelist Josephine Wright preaching at Zion Tabernacle in Fort Wayne, Indiana on Sunday, March 23, 2006. The Anointed Mass Choir aka G-TAC will be featured in the One Year Celebration Concert of Pastor Derek House in Indianapolis, Indiana on Friday, April 28, 2006. In addition, Bro. Mark Humphrey will be leading the music department of the Northeastern District of the Indiana State Pentecostal Young People's Union Saturday, April 29, 2006. Indeed, it is a busy month.
While the ministries of Grace will be going forward around the state of Indiana, Suffragan Bishop Jerry D. Wright along with his companion will be globe trotting - literally. Bishop and First Lady will be presenting workshops and seminars in Ohio, Michigan and the Dominican Repulbis throughout the month of April.
Stay tuned for more details.
God bless,
Minister Kevin J. Walker
Grace Temple Apostolic Church