KEYTEXT:Acts 17:30-31, I Corinthians 3:8-17*Did you know...
- Everyone was appointed once to die?
- God's judgement is inescapable?
- "Sin" has already been judged?
- "Sickness" has already been judged?
- "Death" has already been defeated?
Examples spanning from Noah, to Pharaoh, to Sodom are all captured in this Sunday morning message! I know this message has second after second of truth... If you want to get your copy let us know. We'll get it to you no matter where you are in the globe. Just feel out one of our Media Order Forms. We'll make sure you don't miss this annointed message.
Sunday March 26, 2006
Bishop and First lady

Captured here are two of the most anointed, friendly, dedicated, faithful, giving, and supportive first couples you're ever going to meet. Not to mention, they are 100% serious about ministry.
They would love to have you visit and/or become a member. Trust, your presence (if you come) will not go unnoticed. Stay tuned for more of their sermons, words of encouragement, and just general leadership inspiration!
Getting to know... "GRACE"
Where to start?
BROTHERHOODMin. Lewis Gray and Deacon Davis head this department. They have some weekend breakfasts. They also intend to have a revival in the latter parts of the calendar year. I'll keep you posted. As for their work, they are two dedicated gentlemen. The make sure the "rest" of the church gets the attention it needs. Deacon Davis is currently spear-heading the renewal of our fellowship hall as well as tending to the general maintenance of the building.
MISSIONARY BOARDHeaded by First lady Wright, this department knows a lot about white. They have their Woman's Day services, give out gifts, and just love on everybody they can get a hold of. Thus far this year they have already hosted a service with featured Evang. Turner as the keynote speaker (from Christ Temple Anderson). It was an awesome service and tons of people turned out just to watch God move... and move God did. They gave out these great gift bags with candies and notepads and I was just like "Wow, I'm not a woman by any means, but can I have a bag PLEASE?" (They said yes).
One of the most dynamic music departments in the state resides at Grace Temple. Under the well-equipped leadership of Kevin J. Walker, the Music Department continues to learn and deliver powerful music week after week. Though there are few compositions that they'll shy away from, they are most known for their stirring hand-clapping, foot-stomping pieces that resemble church in the "ol school" way. But don't sleep on Grace; they can go classical, up-beat, or even Contemporary Christian if properly prepped. F.Y.I. Kevin J. Walker is also the founder of our beloved Family and Friends day. Known as the highest attendance day for Grace each year, this event features an anointed speaker and a host of guest from local and out of state places. If you missed this service in 2006 then you really missed a blessing (seriously). Oh... before I forget. Kevin works the sound room to so he can get you any sermons, concerts, or events you're interested in from Grace!
Talk about a department that is really doing big things. The usher board has pushed beyond the standard expectations. They not only greet and seat, but the head of the department makes sure we have a monthly newsletter, occasional usher board services, and keep the sanctuary in "tip top" shape! They just had their first service of the year and it had miming, singing, stepping, and good-solid preaching. That's taking ushering to a whole new level! Way to go Sis. Freda Gray.
Three years in the making, the outreach leader has pushed and pushed for souls! I can honestly say that the G-TAC family has finally grown accustomed to taking it to the streets. We've grown tremendously through these services as far as our mindset of ministry goes. We're no longer afraid or uncomfortable setting up outside and praising God like we've lost our minds. In the three years Min. Rachel Donaldson has gotten all the necessary equipment (guess speakers, choirs, chairs and sound equipment) to ensure that each outing is better than the last. Watch out for summer 2006! It's going to be HOT (no pun intended).
YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTSWorking on an album... our debut release. Want more? Go to: said. The next time we'll do something worth noting will probably be in August with the Back2School Revival. Stay tuned for selected preachers. Oh, stay tuned for the development of Bro. Melvin. He'll be doing more and more as the year progresses.