The Best Is Yet to Come!

"The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts." ~Haggai 2:9
Recently, Bishop Wright preached a message Greater Faith Apostolic Church in Indianapolis. Prior to his preaching, the choir sang powerfully and later took their seats amongst the saints. During that sermon, a lot of things became more clear to me. The Lord is preparing and pushing us, Grace Temple, to a new level in Him.
As I sat there, seated in front of me were two people, a young lady and her son. The young lady wore a hearing aid in her left ear. The lady's son, a small boy about 7 years old, also wore a hearing aid in his left ear. Seeing this made me sad, initially. I felt sorry for them because they were not born with full use of their ears. But as I began to look at them more closely, I begin to recognize that they were more than conquerors. You see, despite their weaknesses, they were still able to glorify and magnify the Lord with every fiber of their being. During testimony service, they stood up and sang. While the choir sang, they clapped their hands and sang along. Even while Bishop preached, they gave God everything they had. Surely, if these two people who lacked 100% of their hearing could praise God through that, surely I could praise God with everything I have.
And then, seated just a few feet down from the the mother and son was a gentleman I had once known before. For some reason, he was unable to grow hair on his head and face. Because he was not able to grow hair, he painted eye brows on his forehead. Yet, and still, that young man has found himself a wife and they have a beautiful baby girl together. And, to top things off, he has a giant praise in his heart. How dare I not give God the praise? He's been too good for me not to give Him the glory and honor he deserves. With that attitude, I made up my mind that I am going to give God everything I have until I have nothing left.
The change in the membership of Grace Temple is a clear testament that something big is about to happen. The 2006 year has been a year of great change with more than our fair share of additions and subtractions. We've seen some people come. And we've seen some people go. The current membership, however, seems to be on target with the vision for the house, GROW GRACE!
I want to grow Grace by giving all that I have to God. For, what we do today will have an impact on tomorrow. The more we give today, the better tomorrow will be. That's why the best is yet to come!
~Kevin J.