Introducing Evangelist Rachel D. Donaldson
Ministering the gospel in word is nothing new for Evangelist Rachel Donaldson. This Anderson, Indiana native is the middle child of four siblings. Her parents are both laborers in the body of Christ and in the work field. Donaldson’s father is an entrepreneur and volunteers regularly at their local assembly. Donaldson’s mother is a retiree of General Motors Corporation and serves the house of God as a deaconess, missionary and Superintendent of the Christian Education and Personal Development department.
Rachel Donaldson is a prayer warrior in her own right. She is a gifted woman a God bursting with purpose. Currently, Evangelist Donaldson works very hard at her local assembly, Greater Grace Temple Apostolic Church in Anderson, Indiana. Having attended Aenon Bible College and Indiana Bible College, Rachel is well studied in God’s word, evangelism and theology. Under the tutelage of her pastor, Suffragan Bishop Jerry D. Wright, PhD, Donaldson pilots several functions at the church. Evangelist Donaldson is the Outreach Coordinator for Greater Grace, spearheading several outdoor services a year with guest preachers and choirs from abroad. In addition, you can find Donaldson leading the Praise Team on Sunday mornings and singing in the choir. Her other responsibilities include serving as an altar worker and an usher.
Evangelist Donaldson’s desire is that people of all ages would want to listen and be inspired by her ministry. It is her desire to do what God has chosen her to do; to bring joy, hope and peace into one’s life. Evangelist Rachel Donaldson currently resides in Noblesville, Indiana with her husband Minister Jermaine C. Donaldson. She and Minister Donaldson are the proud parents of a baby girl, Kezia Janece.
You Can Have Abounding Life!!!
Choose LIFE!Bishop Jerry D. Wright
Sunday, January 28, 2007
text: Deu: 30; John 10:7-14
What does it MEAN to have abounding life? How can you get it? Surveys were taken from U.S. citizens who were over the age of 90 and they plainly stated if they had to live their live over again the number one thing that they would do would be to spend more time reflecting and carefully making decisions. That was closely followed by the desire to have taken more risk. Third, they wanted to invest their energy and time into lasting activities and into their families. The same questions was posed to college students who were on the verge of entering corporate America. The number one response they gave for what they desired out of their life was Success in their chosen career. How would you answer this question? The reason I ask is because your answer could very well be the key reason to where your soul makes its ultimate resting place. Abundant life can't be attained through Revlon, medicines, vitamins, or even having children. It can only be attained through a relationship with Jesus Christ. If you're interesting in getting "hooked up" with the right answer to every question you have ever asked then you need to get in touch with Jesus.
Take Another Look
Sunday, January 14, 2007Bishop Jerry D. WrightKey Text: Mark 8:23-26I love this text and I REALLY loved this sermon. Bishop Wright declared that sometimes we need to take another look at a situation before we make a final determination about it. Biblical examples in this sermon ranged from Saul of Tarsus in the New Testament to Elijah in the Old Testament. By the time Bishop got to the drive the whole house was raised to their feet. So if you are looking for a "more perfect way" to guide your life then maybe it's time you take another look at where you are and how you are going about getting to your destination (Christians included). It has been proven that the
second look can make all the difference between ultimate success or unmistakable failure.
I GOT THE VICTORY IN JESUS!!!!Greater Grace TempleJanuary 7, 2007
Key text: Genesis 3:14-15 / Joshua 1:3
Sometimes it hurts to take a long, hard look at the reasons why we stop, stutter-step, or tip toe into opportunities when they arise in our lives. Without even thinking about it, everyday countless opportunities are presented to us and most of them we miss. To many "Christians" live of life of defeat with no dominion, no power, and seemingly no hope of success. Why? They don't understand that they have a "bruised heel." Don't worry though, Jesus has bruised the head of Satan through his death and resurrection allowing us, Spiritual Israel, to reclaim what we have all the dominion and power we have lost. Thus, we are destined to have the victory. Sound intriguing? Pick up this message by emailing Greater Grace's media department so you can hear the details. I know you'll be blessed.
Did you miss Greater Grace bringing in 2007?

Watch night 2006 was a special time for Greater Grace. The afternoon between morning service and 9:00 PM seemed to fly by but it was enough for everyone to gather themselves to praise their way into a New Year.
The service started with prayer (of course). That was followed by the praise team doing their final work on 2006. Testimony service was just as moving knowing that just a few hours earlier Mary Humphrey's life was spared as her car caught on fire whiels he drove on the interstate highway. She got out unharmed. That was a time for high praise.We jumped into some preaching and Bishop Wright (via Min. Walker) mapped it out where every minister @ Grace got a chance to share one last word of encourage with the congregation.
Min. Jermaine Donaldson went first with a message entitled
"Prove it!" This message talked about how God put Grace through a proving process in 2006. To prove is to search, test, and try. We were tried in the fire... now, in 2007, is the time for us to come out as pure gold! All of the Hell, heartache, and dissapointment that reared it's ugly head in the 2007 was a chance for us to grow up and get our priorities right. Now that we have been proved we can be used. "If you ain't proved it, don't you use it" was the mantra of this message.
Next came Min. Rachel Donaldson. Her massage was simply on fire. It was entitled
"Forgetting the Past so I can Focus on the Future." Phl 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing [I do], forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
This message revolved around the fact that if you focus on the things that happened in the past then you can't really prepare yourself to do anything else. She exposed the devil and his trick to keep the minds of the people of God warped. How? She explained that the devil wants us to keep revisiting past dissapointments, let downs, and struggles and never look forward into what is ahead of us. She concluded that now, as we enter 2007, is the time to forgive and forget. This will release you to get everything that God has for you in this year instead of binding you to the frustrations of last year. A new beginning requires a new focus.
We took a break here from the preaching and got some good singing from the Annointed Mass Choir, aka G-TAC. They sang a couple selections. This was enough to get the church to eruption state but we calmed down just in time to hear some more word.
Min. Kevin J Walker preach: "
Don't Grow Weary, Grow Grace"Gal 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
A powerful, sober message about the significance of collecting a harvest. Most people are not aware of the energy that is required to -not only sow- BUT to reap. Reap is a complex practice for any crop and it involves serious work. After all the seed that was sown in 2006, Min Walker reminds us to get ready to reap. We have to do all the untangibles to get to the souls that are ready to be grafted into the body of Christ. It is our great commission. Being tired or falling out and fainting will not get it done. This season is too valuable to miss.
Next, Min. Lewis Gray told us:
"I Want To Wait 'Til the Midnight Hour!" He spoke about Paul and Silas triumphant experience while being locked in jail. The special hour in which the jail doors swung open for all the inmates because of the praise that was released. This is a "transitional" period where it is no longer the previous day. Irregardless of the way it appears, it is still the beginning of a new day. So, as 2006 came to a close Min. Gray adjured us to praise God because our day had already changed over and that the daybright was shortly following.
To finallize the year we heard a inspiring testimony from our first lady, Evangelist Josephine Wright then Bishop prayed us into the new year. Shouting, jumping, running, crying, and joy all burst forth as the curtain closed on 2006. God truly moved. Wish you were there.... maybe this year.
The Best Is Yet to Come!

"The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the LORD of hosts." ~Haggai 2:9
Recently, Bishop Wright preached a message Greater Faith Apostolic Church in Indianapolis. Prior to his preaching, the choir sang powerfully and later took their seats amongst the saints. During that sermon, a lot of things became more clear to me. The Lord is preparing and pushing us, Grace Temple, to a new level in Him.
As I sat there, seated in front of me were two people, a young lady and her son. The young lady wore a hearing aid in her left ear. The lady's son, a small boy about 7 years old, also wore a hearing aid in his left ear. Seeing this made me sad, initially. I felt sorry for them because they were not born with full use of their ears. But as I began to look at them more closely, I begin to recognize that they were more than conquerors. You see, despite their weaknesses, they were still able to glorify and magnify the Lord with every fiber of their being. During testimony service, they stood up and sang. While the choir sang, they clapped their hands and sang along. Even while Bishop preached, they gave God everything they had. Surely, if these two people who lacked 100% of their hearing could praise God through that, surely I could praise God with everything I have.
And then, seated just a few feet down from the the mother and son was a gentleman I had once known before. For some reason, he was unable to grow hair on his head and face. Because he was not able to grow hair, he painted eye brows on his forehead. Yet, and still, that young man has found himself a wife and they have a beautiful baby girl together. And, to top things off, he has a giant praise in his heart. How dare I not give God the praise? He's been too good for me not to give Him the glory and honor he deserves. With that attitude, I made up my mind that I am going to give God everything I have until I have nothing left.
The change in the membership of Grace Temple is a clear testament that something big is about to happen. The 2006 year has been a year of great change with more than our fair share of additions and subtractions. We've seen some people come. And we've seen some people go. The current membership, however, seems to be on target with the vision for the house, GROW GRACE!
I want to grow Grace by giving all that I have to God. For, what we do today will have an impact on tomorrow. The more we give today, the better tomorrow will be. That's why the best is yet to come!
~Kevin J.